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Pictures from the Fest: Joy to the World (2012)

We had an amazing celebration last Sunday.  St. Joseph had almost a full bus with 40 people who traveled out to the Fest.  The theme was joy to the world and I know that we all left with Joyful hearts.  Bishop Roger celebrated the mass and at the end the entire venue was transformed into a Christmas Extravaganza.  I giant tinsel Christmas tree came down from the stage, white lighted Christmas trees rose down the main aisle and snow filled the sky.  Even the fireworks were red and green! 

I was at the Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney Brothers of the Sun concert the Sunday before and I got this email from a good friend after the Fest this year: “We LOVED the FEST, almost a little embarrassed to say I have never been there.  It is amazing how I can be at Brothers and of the Sun one Sunday and the next Sunday be at the FEST, with the FEST being more powerful.  WOW.”

The Fest is one of the greatest events we have all year in our diocese and it is such a wonderful sign of all that is good in our faith.  It is also a great sign for our parish that we had so many of our young travel with us. 
As I always say… “If you haven’t gone, just go and you will thank me.”  Save the date for next year August 4th 2013

See the Pictures: