We had an amazing celebration last Sunday. St. Joseph had almost a full bus with 40 people who traveled out to the Fest. The theme was joy to the world and I know that we all left with Joyful hearts. Bishop Roger celebrated the mass and at the end the entire venue was transformed into a Christmas Extravaganza. I giant tinsel Christmas tree came down from the stage, white lighted Christmas trees rose down the main aisle and snow filled the sky. Even the fireworks were red and green!
I was at the Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney Brothers of the Sun concert the Sunday before and I got this email from a good friend after the Fest this year: “We LOVED the FEST, almost a little embarrassed to say I have never been there. It is amazing how I can be at Brothers and of the Sun one Sunday and the next Sunday be at the FEST, with the FEST being more powerful. WOW.”
See the Pictures: