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Natural Family Planning and the Freedom of Conscience Act

A little known and very misunderstood teaching of the Catholic Church has to do with Natural Family Planning.  The church does teach and encourage married couples to be responsible and discern the number of children in their family, while always insisting that there is an openness to the gift of a child.  This teaching is given to us both to uphold the beauty and dignity of sex within marriage while realizing it’s ultimate meaning.  The gift of sex is given to humanity for two purposes: Babies and Bonding. 
This is especially important in regards to the government health care contraceptive debate: “On January 20, 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reaffirmed a rule forcing virtually all private health care plans to cover sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception.” 

This is all so unfortunate because there is a way to safely, effectively, healthy and morally moderate child birth.  I received this article from a parishioner Dr. Jim Ohliger:

“Increasingly studies show that rates equivalent to those with other contraceptive methods are readily achieved in the developed and developing worlds. Indeed, a study of 19,843 poor women in India had a pregnancy rate approaching zero. Natural family planning is cheap, effective, without side effects, and may be particularly acceptable to the efficacious among people in areas of poverty.” 

To read this article in it’s entirety
Understand Natural Family Planning.  This is the only form of family planning acceptable.  All forms of contraception are gravely sinful and may even cause abortion to occur.

Natural Family Planning is 99% effective and just as effective as the pill, condom, and other contraceptives but respects and reverences the nature and beauty of sex within marriage that is open to life.

To read this study in it’s entirety follow this link:

Listen to a great lecture or read the transcript “Contraception: Why Not?”

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To learn more about religious liberty and 
Conscience protection:

One Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    Another great online resource for NFP and natural child spacing with eco-breastfeeeding is NFPInternational. I hope you will post it at your links; it is listed at the US Bishops' page, too, for home study. Theology is included: Pope JP II said that NFP must be taught within a moral context see